M2 Full Time | | | |
ALEXANDRE Loïc | Adaptive filtering algorithms applied to acoustic source equalization: toward active sound field control | LMFA, Acoustic team | PhD student at LMFA, Acoustic team |
AMINE Ibah | | | |
AUBIER Tom | | | PhD student at LabTau |
COMBE Cloé | | | |
DUMAS Raphaël | | | PhD student at CREATIS |
ETCHEBARNE Benjamin | | | |
MENEZES Caique | | | PhD student at CEA Grenoble |
MEZIANI Estelle | | | PhD student at LMFA / LabTau |
MOULOUDI Manar | | | |
PASCAL Alexia | Modélisation du niveau de bruit de pluie produit par des plaques orthotropes | GAMBA | |
Dual Degree ECL | | | |
CAISSON Antoine | | | |
COLAS Jules | Propagation of wind turbine noise, numerical simulation through 2D linearized Euler equation | LMFA, Acoustic team | PhD student at LMFA, Acoustic team |
Dual Degree INSA Lyon | | | |
BOURSAUD Thomas | | | IMDEA master |
FEBVRE Maryne | | | PhD student at LaMCos |
LARELLO Bastien | | | |
LOUARDI Maha | | | |
MORALES Sacha | | | |
YANG Jinyue | | | |
ZHANG Lingyu | | | |
ZHAO Hanyi | | | |
Dual Degree ENTPE | | | |
GODARD Louis | | | |