Semester 1 courses details
Compulsory courses
Sound and sound propagation
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
6 | 16 | 16 | 20 |
- Institution: ECL
- Coordinator: Thomas CASTELAIN
- Language: English
- Assessment: 2 written exams (50%); practical work evaluation (50%)
- Shared course: MSc. specific course
This course is the first approach to acoustics in the Master programme. Its main objective is to provide a basic knowledge about the physics of sound and the linear propagation of sound waves in fluids at rest. Quantitative rating of sound and sound perception are introduced. These concepts are illustrated and applied in practical tutorials and laboratory experiments.
- Sound levels: decibels, band levels, Power Spectrum Density, A-weighting, loudness perception
- Linearized equations of fluid motion, linear wave equation; Helmholtz equation, speed of sound
- Acoustic energy equation, sound intensity
- Plane waves, characteristic impedance, phase, and group velocity
- Change of medium and boundaries: reflection, absorption, transmission, and impedance
- Spherical waves, near and far field, source doublet, image sources, directivity
- Sound power of a source
Skills developed
- Gain a perceptive experience of sound frequency and level
- Have a command of quantitative single point sound analysis (level and spectrum)
- Mode plane and spherical waves in free space or in the vicinity of a plane
- Grasp the issues of sound modelling in complex configurations
Signal processing and speech processing
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
6 | 16 | 16 | 20 |
- Institution: ECL
- Coordinator: Jean-Christophe BERA
- Language: English
- Assessment: regular tests (25%), 1 written exam (25%); 1 individual lab class project (50%)
- Shared course: MSc. specific course
The student is meant to become familiar with common mathematical tools required for modelling and analysing both signals and systems encountered in Acoustics. Application to signal and speech processing.
- Definition of signals and systems
- Linear invariant systems
- Fourier analysis, time-frequency duality
- Correlation and power spectral density
- Time-frequency analysis, short term Fourier transform
- Cepstrum
- Digital data processing: quantification, sampling, Shannon theorem, discrete and fast Fourier transforms
The course builds on active data processing by the students who will apply common numerical analysis tools (spectrum, cepstrum, time-frequency analysis, demodulation) to acoustic signals (mostly speech signals)
Skills developed
- Apply and interpret simple data processing tools to a variety of situations encountered in acoustics
- Ability to extend his skills to more complex or specific techniques
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
6 | 24 | 24 | 8 |
- Institution: ECL
- Coordinator: Bruno GILLES
- Language: English
- Assessment: 2 written exams & 1 oral presentation
- Shared course: MSc. specific course
This course aims to provide the bases for the physical understanding of the mechanical phenomena (hydrodynamics, elasticity, diffusion) causing development or absence of development of mechanical waves.
General approach of Mechanics and Physics of Continuous media applied to Acoustics: - Elementary mathematics on tensors and operators used in Mechanics - Description of non-deformable solids, notion of energy and momentum,
- Continuous medium description - Application to diffusive processes, hydrodynamics, linear elasticity, - Illustration on mechanical waves examples
Skills developed
- Grasp and use easily the usual mathematical tools fro mechanics (scalars, vectors, tensors derivatives)
- Address and take advantage from basics concepts for mechanical modelling
- Recognise propagative and diffusive mechanisms
Acoustic devices
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
6 | 8 | 8 | 10 |
- Institution: ECL
- Coordinator: Jean-Christophe BERA
- Language: English
- Assessment: Practical works & reports
- Shared course: ECL elective course ELC F-4
The aim of this course is to provide skills to correctly measure transfer functions, use acoustic sources and sensors, and interpret acoustic measurements. Theoretical principles are briefly explained and then the course is based on pratical experimentation.
- Sonic and ultrasonic sensors and sources: Working principles, experimental set-ups.
- Adaptation of electrical and acoustic impedances
- Measurement noise: Electromagnetic, Captor, AD conversion
Skills developed
- Measure a transfer function
- Handle and use sound sources and receivers
- Correctly interpret acoustic measurements
Scientific communication
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
3 | | 26 | |
- Institutions: INSA Lyon
- Coordinator:
- Language: English/French
- Assessment:
- Shared course:
Skills developed
M1 Project
ECTS | Practical work (h) | Training course (weeks) |
6 | 60 | 30 |
- Institution: ECL
- Coordinators: Didier DRAGNA / Jean-Christophe BERA
- Language: English/French
- Shared course: MSc. specific course
- Assessment: Project work + written report + 2 oral presentation (midterm + final)
- Apply concepts learned in other courses,
- Discover research and a research lab in acoustics
- Learn autonomous work as well as team work (for certain projects)
- Project in acoustics under the guidance of a professor from the master.
- The topic is about modelling a simple acoustic problem, or investigating a more complex one
- It can include numerical and experimental efforts.
- It is mainly conducted in a public research laboratory, possibly in cooperation with a company during the M1 first year (S1 & S2).
Skills developed
- Carry out a study over a longer period than in a traditional course
- Set and meet deadlines
- Work in an autonomous way
- For certain projects: ability to work in a team
Language courses
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
6 | | 52 | |
- Institution: ENTPE
- Coordinators: Brendan KEENAN
- Language: English
- Shared course: ENTPE Students 2nd year
- Assessment: continuous evaluation
- English for professional communication
- French for conversational communication (everyday)
- For non-English speaking students: English
- For English speaking & non-French speaking students: French as Foreign Language
Skills developed
- Writing & comprehension:
- Understand articles and specification sheets, reports, formal and informal professional correspondence.
- Understanding of scientific articles, writing of abstract.
- Oral:
- Explain technologies, processes, methodologies connected to the domain of study.
- Formal and informal communication to express oneself with spontaneity during a professional meeting, during a professional interview (recruitment, interview of annual evaluation, phone conversation, negotiation, etc.),
- Communication:
- Be able to present a slide show in connection with the domain of study in a formal and informal way.
- Be able to participate in an active way in an international congress (oral presentation of research work)
ECTS | Lecture (h) | Tutorials (h) | Practical work (h) |
| | | |