ECTS | Duration (weeks) |
30 | 21-26 |
- Institution: ECL / INSA Lyon / ENTPE
- Coordinator: Marc JACOB / Etienne PARIZET / Catherine MARQUIS-FAVRE
- Language: English/French
- Assessment:
- Internship and work (50%) by company advisor
- MSc. thesis report (25%)
- Oral defence (25%)
Placing students into a real-life professional situation. Training to prepare, conduct, perform a full scale project over a longer duration and to carry out a critical synthesis.
- 5 to 6-month internship in company or research laboratory
- Subject: Master related scientific and technical content, validated by course director
Skill developed¶
- Use skills acquired during the master and before to gain deep insight into a specific subject
- Determine the state-of-the-art of a domain from a relevant literature review
- Conduct a long-term study autonomously
- Integrate into a research & development team
- Define an agenda and stick to it
- Summarise a 6-month study in concise and precise technical report as well as in an oral defence