The MSc. in Acoustics is a 4 semesters program (two years) from Semester 1 (S1) to Semester 4 (S4). The first year of the Master (M1) is covered by S1 and S2, whereas the second year of the program (M2) by S3 and S4.
The first semester (S1) provides the scientific background required for this Master, including some fundamentals of Mechanics, Continuum Physics and Data Processing as well as an introductory course to Acoustics. The second semester (S2) is devoted to acoustics and its context with practical application in an Acoustic Laboratory. During the third semester (S3), more advanced and specialised courses in acoustics are offered in parallel to application oriented lectures. Students can chose to specialise in their field of interest. The last semester (S4) is devoted to the MSc internship, which can be carried out in a research laboratory as well as in the industry.
In parallel to the scientific program, English courses and/or a French courses are also offered: the objective is to provide the language basics that are required to attend the scientific courses, read and write scientific articles or reports and work in an international research team.
The objective of the MSc program is to provide the theoretical knowledge and the practical skills that are required to take up a variety of challenges in acoustics. In particular, a project (case study) and two internships are planned; thus the program offers room for applying theoretical concepts to practical situations. There are 27 Credits (ECTS) for optional courses in which students may deepen their knowledge in aeroacoustics, building acoustics, vehicle acoustics, sound perception, ultrasounds, vibro-acoustics or fluid-structure interactions. General skills developed during the MSc program are:
- Scientific communication in French and/or in English, which is trained during devoted language courses, scientific courses in English and oral defences of the project and internships.
- Corporate life awareness via courses and seminars about project management, research policies and intellectual property as well as during the internships.
Time effort¶
The overall number of hours per student is 500 h during the first year (M1) and 240 h during the second year (M2), that is, 740 h spread over the 3 first semesters. Additionally, 4 to 12 weeks during S8 (M1) and 20-25 weeks during S10 (M2), that is, a minimum of 24 weeks of internship are required.