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Semester 3 course details


M2 students

For students enrolled in the full second year program: The theoretical curriculum must be composed of 7 teachning units, including the compulsory course General Acoustics: acoustic sources and sound propagation, 5 elective courses provided below, and 1 opening course in any other master program (including the MSc. in Acoustics). The research internship must be carried out in a research laboratory or a R&D department in industry, in France or abroad.

Dual degree with ECL engineer

For engineering students at ECL in a dual degree: the curriculum must be composed of 6 teaching units, including the compulsory course General Acoustics: acoustic sources and sound propagation, and 5 elective courses provided below in the list provided below. The research internship must be carried out in the framework of the "TFE".

Dual degree with INSA Lyon engineer

For engineering student at INSA Lyon in a dual degree: the curriculum must be composed of 6 teaching units, including the compulsory course General Acoustics: acoustic sources and sound propagation, and 5 elective courses. The research internship will be considered as equivalent to your "PFE". In case you have not yet done an industrial internship, this research internship can be realised in an industrial company.

Dual degree with ENTPE engineer


Compulsory courses

General Acoustics: acoustic sources and sound propagation

Environmental acoustics

Propagation of an acoustic duct mode.
ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
6 16 4 14
  • Institution: ECL / INSA Lyon
  • Coordinator: Vincent CLAIR / Laurent MAXIT
  • Language: English
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (50%); 1 case study report + Lab classes work (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL (MOD 7.3); Master Mécanique parcours Mécanique des Fluides & Energie, Master Aéronautique & Espace / INSA


This advanced course of acoustics is focused on sources of sound and their propagation. The basics of acoustics, such as the linear acoustic equations and the quantitative evaluation of sound, are briefly presented before going further into the description of sources and their radiation in bounded or unbounded spaces. The sound radiated by vibrating structures and the acoustic propagation in inhomogeneous media are also discussed. The objective of the course is to provide the theoretical background required to approach a complex problem of sound generation and/or radiation. This course also provides a basis for students who might be interested in more specialised sub-domains of acoustics.


Acoustics, sound waves, acoustic sources, acoustic radiation, duct acoustics, sound induced by vibrating structures, propagation in inhomogeneous media.


I – Equations of linear acoustics (wave equation, acoustic energy, harmonic waves)

II – Plane and spherical waves, Boundary conditions, Surface impedance

III – Acoustic levels and spectral analysis (Decibels, power spectral density, weightings)

IV – Acoustic propagation in ducts (duct modes, cut-off frequency, low frequency models)

V – Sources (elementary sources, Green’s function, source distribution)

VI – Radiation from vibrating structures (boundary integral equation, Rayleigh integral)

3 Practical Works

  1. Measurement of the acoustic power of a source in anechoic and reverberant rooms.
  2. Duct propagation near a sudden change of section.
  3. Experiemental and numerical study of the Helmholtz resonator.

Case Study

A special lecture on source localisation with an industrial partner (MicrodB).

Skills developed

  • Understand sound generation and radiation in classical configurations.
  • Model and solve acoustics problems
  • Communicate with experts in acoustics.
  • Approach specialized topics in acoustics with a solid theoretical background.

Course material

Lecture slides (English) and e-book (French)

Core texts

  • D. Pierce, Acoustics: an introduction to its physical principles and applications, The Acoustical Society of America, 1989
  • L. E. Kinsler et al., Fundamentals of acoustics, John Wiley & Sons, 1982
  • D.T. Blackstock, Fundamentals of physical acoustics, John Wiley & Sons, 2000


ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 24
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Florence Milon
  • Language: English or French as foreign language (possibly other language if sufficient level in French and English and if compatible with the schedule)
  • Assessment: Depends on language and level – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: Other ECL masters


  • Reach a B2 level in English (native French speakers) or in French (non-native French speakers)


Depends on language and on group

Skills developed

  • English: speak, read and write every day English and be fluent in scientific English (read and write articles, speak at conferences)
  • French: speak, read and write every day French

Soft skills

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 24
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: TODO
  • Language: TODO
  • Assessment: TODO
  • Shared course: TODO


Widen students’ perspective by opening their minds to social, ethical, societal and environmental issues in their future professional life


  • Attend a number of Seminars about the aforementioned subjects chosen within a set offered at ECL in the frame of the “UE Pro” by speakers from the professional world or the civil society.
  • Write a short summary of the chosen seminars
  • Other: TODO

Skills developed

  • To Identify and understand non-technical/scientific issues in a professional context
  • To find one’s place as engineer/ scientist in the society
  • To give a meaning to one’s professional project

Elective courses

5 courses have to be chosen among the following list:

Structure radiation

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 20
  • Institution: INSA Lyon
  • Coordinator: Laurent MAXIT
  • Language: French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam - No 2nd session
  • Shared course: TODO


To know the physical phenomena underlying the radiation of noise by vibrating structures and the computational procedures allowing to simulate this radiation.


Vibration, sound, radiation, radiation impedance, intermodal impedance, integral formulation, finite boundary elements


  • Pulsating Sphere, monopole and dipole
  • Guided waves - piston radiation
  • Baffled piston radiation and radiation impedance, fluid structure coupling
  • Plate radiation, cross modal radiation impedance and radiation coefficient. Flexural effects on radiation
  • Integral formulation, Boundary Element Method and singularities, Green’s function
  • Acoustical radiation of an open envelop and “Finite Part of the integral”
  • Rayleigh integral, directivity patterns,
  • The plate cavity problem

Skills developed:

  • Model continuous media and vibrations,
  • Coupled vibrations with linear acoustic equations

Elastic wave propagation

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 12
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Sébastien BESSET
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Written Technical study (50%); Case Studies (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 3.1"Elastic wave propagation"; Master Mécanique, Master de Génie Civil


In the field of vibro-acoustics, the control of the behaviour of structures is hampered by the difficulty of using the finite element method. In this way, wave propagation view is essential and constitutes the basis of many analytical methods used in industry. Its implementation in the field of transport has made it possible to optimize the vibro-acoustic comfort of vehicles. In the field of Civil Engineering, the calculation of the vibro-acoustic behaviour of buildings has been made necessary by the evolution of standards of safety and comfort. On the other hand, wave analysis of aeroelastic or hydro-elastic problems reveals major dynamic phenomena such as shock waves, radiation and acoustic transparency of structures.


Propagation, vibroacoustics, radiation, seismic, stratified media, fluid-structure coupling


  • Introduction: Propagation of a mono-dimensional medium - Harmonic waves - Power flow
  • Wave analysis in solids: Propagation in a finite space - Propagation in a half-space - Waves in stratified media Waveguide - Case of periodic media
  • Vibro-acoustic analysis: Non-modal behaviour of structures - Integral formulation - Energy methods - Static analysis of dynamic problems
  • Ground-structure coupling: Superficial foundations dynamics - Modelling of foundations by piles - Numerical simulation models

Case studies

Learning and deepening a part of the course through a bibliographic analysis and reflection on an application problem

Skills developed

  • Understand the main vibro-acoustic phenomena
  • Understand vibratory energy exchanges between elastic media
  • Learn about the vibro-acoustic calculation tools used in mechanical design
  • Understand the seismic design rules

Course material:

Slides (English)

Core texts

  • A. Bedford & D.S. Drumheller, Introduction to elastic wave propagation., Wiley, 1994
  • F.E. Richard, JR Hall & R.D. Woods Vibrations of soils and foundation, Prentice Hall, 1970
  • J. F. Doyle, Wave propagation in structures spectral analysis using fast discrete Fourier transforms – 2nd edition, Springer, 1997

Building acoustics

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 20 4
  • Institution: ENTPE
  • Coordinator: Catherine MARQUIS-FAVRE
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam ; 1 project report – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: TODO


  • Fundamental knowledges of building acoustics and room acoustics
  • Be aware of the limits of acoustic regulations and standards
  • Identify the points of vigilance during an acoustic project of a building / a room


  • The stakes, noise annoyance
  • Airborne and impact sound insulation
  • Soundabsorption
  • Optimization of acoustic materials and structures for buildings
  • Sound quality criteria for roomacoustics
  • Intelligibility and cocktail party inrooms
  • Room acoustic modellingusing aray tracing software
  • Diagnosis and vigilance points of a project dealing with building acoustics/room acoustics
  • Acoustics ofarchitectural projects

Skills developed

  • Master main phenomena in sound insulation and sound absorption
  • Know how to carry out a diagnosis in building acoustics and room acoustics
  • Know how to deal with rules and criteria for a good acoustics in buildings and rooms
  • Know how to use of a room acoustics software
  • Know how to propose optimal sound insulation and sound absorption solutions
  • Have skills to conduct a building acoustics project from in-situ measurements, diagnosis, modelling, and optimal solution proposition

Aerodynamically generated sound

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 4 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Marc JACOB / Vincent CLAIR
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Written exam (40%); Lab class reports (30%); Case Study report (30%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 7.5 "Aerodynamically generated sound"; Master Mécanique parcours Mécanique des Fluide & Energie, Master Aéronautique & Espace


The objective is to train students in aeroacoustics, the science devoted to aerodynamic noise, as opposed to vibrational noise (vibroacoustics). This includes grasping the underlying physics, resulting experimental illustrations and analytical modelling issues (numerical modelling is also mentioned). Students will reach the level required to address modern industrial problems and understand international scientific publications in aeroacoustics. A short reminder of basic aerodynamics and acoustics is offered in the course. Applications of aeroacoustics cover air and ground transportation, power plants (wind turbines), ventilation and air conditioning systems, wind instruments ...


Acoustics, aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, propulsion, aeronautics, fluid dynamics


  • Small oscillations of a gas and aerodynamic sound generation mechanisms
  • The wave equation and acoustic analogies
  • General features of moving sound sources (Doppler effect & convection)
  • Jet noise (aeronautical applications)
  • Self-sustained oscillations (wind instruments)
  • Noise of flows past structures (cables, bars, grids and exo-structures)
  • Unsteady aerodynamics and airfoil noise, high-lift devices

1 case study and 2 lab classes

  • Acoustic optimisation of a rotor-stator stage (modelling)
  • Turbulence-airfoil intercation noise (Wind tunnel testing)
  • Tonal noise generated by a cavity in a duct

Skills developed

  • Ability to identify basic aeroacoustic mechanisms in complex systems
  • Ability to reduce a basic mechanism to a simple mathematical model
  • Ability to understand and identify the acoustic signature of an unsteady flow
  • Ability to perform in dimensional analysis

Course material:

Lecture slides (English) and Lecture notes (French)

Core texts

  • Goldstein, M.E., Aeroacoustics, McGraw-Hill, 1976
  • Glegg, S. & Devenport, W., Aeroacoustics of low Mach number flows, Academic Press, 2017

Air & ground transportation noise

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 4 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Marc JACOB / Mohammed ICHCHOU
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Written exam (50%), Lab class + case study reports (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOS 1.2"Air and ground transportation noise"; Option ECL 3A Aéronautique, Transport et trafic, Master International d’Aéronautique & Espace, Master de Mécanique


Noise is perceived as the highest annoyance by EU citizens and noise induced stress, to which transportation noise is a major contributor, is 2nd largest cause of pollution related disease in Europe after air pollution. Therefore, sound pressure level, both for the interior of transportation systems and the surrounding environment, is an important element to take into account from the design phase: regulatory constraints are increasingly severe; acoustic and vibratory comfort is often a key element in the choice of customers. These noises have a multiple origin: propulsion and engine systems, ventilation and air conditioning, unsteady flow around vehicles... This course deals with sound sources due to the different transport modes and their consequences on the perceived noise levels inside and outside the vehicle. A particular attention is paid to air transportation. Lectures related to air transportation are given by speakers from SAFRAN Aircraft Engines.


  • Transportation noise: General features, regulations and certification.
  • Noise sources in air transportation. Legislation and certification. (SAFRAN AE)
  • Noise reduction methods for air transportation noise. (SAFRAN AE)
  • An overview of ground transportation noise: sources and mitigation
  • Localization and identification of sources. Advanced measurement techniques (SAFRAN AE).
  • Analysis of structure-borne noise. Vibroacoustics. Statistical energy analysis (SEA). Basics of numerical vibroacoustics.

Skills developed

  • Grasp noise and vibration issues in transport
  • Identify and be able to analyse noise sources in transport
  • Solve typical problems in transportation noise

Course material

Lecture slides (English)

Core texts

  • M. P. Norton, Fundamentals of noise and vibration analysis for engineers, Cambridge University Press, 1989
  • F. Fahy, Engineering acoustics., Academic Press, 2001
  • T.D. Rossing, Springer handbook of acoustics, Springer Verlag, 2007

Ground transportation noise

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 8
  • Institution: INSA Lyon
  • Coordinator: Etienne PARIZET
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Assessment: 1 written exam + Lab class reports
  • Shared course: TODO


  • To present the sources of noise in the automobile and the means of noise reduction
  • To show the phenomena involved in the generation and propagation of noise emitted by land transport in the environment
  • This course uses the fundamental knowledge in acoustics, vibration, structural radiation to specific problems of noise from land transport (measurements or modelling)


  • Exterior noise
  • Context and issues: nuisances, economic aspects, regulations, forecasting methods;
  • Basic relationships and indicators: pass-by levels and equivalents;
  • Road vehicle emissions: sources, parameters, models, homologation, traffic noise;
  • Tyre/pavement contact noise: physical mechanisms, means of reduction, characterisation of pavements;
  • Emissions from rail vehicles: source characterisation by imaging, rail sources and means of reduction, models and prediction;
  • Wheel/rail contact noise: physical mechanisms, means of reduction, track characterisation;
  • Propagation and protection devices (screens): physical phenomena, simplified methods
  • Cabin noise
  • Automotive noise sources: vibro-acoustics induced by engine & gear box and electric motors, tire noise and aerodynamic noise
  • Modelling sources and transfer into cabin
  • Identification of main phenomena

Skills developed

  • Identify the causes of excessive indoor or outdoor noise problems
  • Propose solutions for improvement
  • Calculate outdoor noise estimators

Environmental acoustics

Environmental acoustics

Noise exposure map near the Lyon M6 road.
ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 4 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Pierre LECOMTE / Didier DRAGNA
  • Language: English
  • Assessment: Written exam ; Lab class & case study reports ; Scientific paper presentation – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 1.6 "Environmental acoustics" , Masters International d’Aéronautique et Espace, Master de Mécanique, Master de Génie Civil


Noise is considered by the population as one of the main and most important nuisances. Considering acoustic constraints is therefore of primary importance in many fields, for example in building engineering or evaluation of transportation systems. This course presents basic notions in acoustics particularly suited to engineers working in related sectors. More specifically will be developed acoustics of rooms and industrial or public environments, outdoor sound propagation in an urban environment, as well as the various techniques used to control (usually reduce) sound levels: noise barriers, use of absorbing materials. Subjective aspects will also be introduced with notions on sound perception, sound quality and annoyance.


Sound perception, room acoustics, reverberation time, noise reduction, sound proofing, sound mapping


  • Basic equations and models in acoustics
  • Sound perception: from deciBel scales to annoyance
  • Room acoustics: modal theory and energetic approach (Sabine theory, ray tracing, reverberation time and quality indices)
  • Noise reduction and control: airborne sound insulation (single and double- leaf partitions), barriers, absorbing materials, active control
  • Outdoor propagation: effects of ground, buildings, meteorological conditions, …sound maps

2 lab classes, 1 case study

  • Room acoustics: measurement of reverberation time and sound quality indices in the cinema room of ECL; numerical simulation with CATT-Acoustic software
  • Outdoor propagation: Sound map design and analysis; numerical simulation with SoundPlan software
  • Case study in noise control

Skills developed

  • Develop a coherent approach for diagnosing a problem in environmental acoustics
  • Build a simplified model
  • Propose a technical solution and evaluate the margin of error

Course material

Slides and e-book (english)

Core texts

  • Pierce, Acoustics, an introduction to its physical principles and applications, McGraw-Hill, 1981
  • H. Kutruff, Room acoustics, Spon Press, 2000
  • D. Bies, Engineering noise control, Spon Press, 2009

Sound perception

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 21 4
  • Institution: INSA Lyon
  • Coordinator: Etienne PARIZET
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (50%); Lab class reports (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: TODO


To explain the most important points describing the behaviour of the auditory system and their consequences on various perceptual phenomena. This module is complementary to the courses General Acoustics and structure radiation, as it explains how noise radiated by sources is perceived. It mixes fundamental issues (description of basic perceptual phenomena) and applied ones (sound metrics used in industry).


Audio physiology, filters, perception, binaurality, sound annoyance, intelligibility, sound exposure


  • Physiology of the hearing system, auditory filters, masking effects. Pitch perception.
  • Perception of loudness.
  • Advanced sound metrics (loudness, roughness, sharpness, tonalness…)
  • Binaural perception, localization of noise sources and spatial unmasking. Auditory scene analysis.
  • Speech intelligibility.
  • Environmental noise annoyance, multi-exposure.

1 Lab Class

  • During one lab-class, students are asked to use a commercial software in order to improve the sound quality of a given sound (by filtering out various components, computing sound metrics…)

Skills developed

  • To understand the most important features of the hearing system.
  • To use the sound metrics proposed by existing softwares.
  • To build an experimental procedure for evaluating noise perception and to analyse the results of the experiment.

Active control of noise and vibration

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 14 6 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Pierre LECOMTE / Mohammed ICHCHOU
  • Language: English
  • Assessment: Reports on Lab classes + Final Exam:Multiple Choice Questionnary + oral presentation of a recent scientific paper (by groups of 2 or 3 students) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOS 1.4"Active noise control and vibration"; Option 3A ECL: aéronautique, transport et trafic, génie civil et environnement, Master International d’Aéronautique & Espace, Master de Mécanique


Active control systems have been widely developed in the last 20+ years. The basic principle is well known: a secondary wave, 180° out of phase, is synthetized to interfere with the primary one. Active noise or vibration control therefore aims to reduce an existing noise or vibration, especially at low frequencies, where passive means are inefficient. The objective of this course is to introduce the basic principles and the main realizations in mechanics. Other topics are also investigated: active absorption, semi-active control, smart materials...


Active control, acoustics, vibrations, active fluid mechanics, anti-sound, adaptive numerical filtering, real time, analog filtering


  • Active noise control
  • Adaptive algorithms
  • Energy in active systems. Local control/ global control
  • Semi-active and active control of vibrations
  • LQG control - MIMSC control
  • Smart structures
  • Vibro-acoustic control
  • Active control of flow instabilities

3 Lab Classes + 2 Case studies

  • Multiple application among which: Active headset - Real time systems for noise control - Active control of vibrations in a structure

Skills developed

  • Identify potential applications of active control systems
  • Select the suited active control technologies
  • Design an active control system
  • Discuss about active systems limitations

Core texts

  • S.J. Elliott, Signal processing for active control, Academic Press, 2001
  • L. Meirovich, Dynamics and control of structures, John Wiley and Sons, 1990
  • P.A. Nelson, S.J. Elliott, Active control of sound, Academic Press, 1992

Ultrasound: industrial and medical applications

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 18 4
  • Institution: INSA Lyon
  • Coordinator: Bruno GILLES
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Reports on Lab classes + Final Exam
  • Shared course: TODO


There are many applications of ultrasounds industry where there are used to detect cracks and defaults in material without damaging them.Moreover, ultrasounds propagate in body tissues and are therefore popular imagery based diagnostic tools. Additionally, focused ultrasound beams are also used for treatments (kidney stones) and more recently disseased tissues (tumors..) or local interactions with cell membranes. The advantage with respect to radiotherapy lies in its limited intrusiveness.This course offers a discovery of ultrasounds and the above-mentioned applications. From nonlinear propagation in biological tissues to the analysis of simple ultrasound images, this lecture covers many aspects of the underlying physics and technical challenges and offers a first approach to ultrasound diagnostics.


Ultrasound, ultrasound transducers, non-destructive testing, tomography, ultrasound imagery, ultrasound focusing, Doppler


  • Propagation in biological tissues, inhomogeneous media, diffusion, damping, nonlinearity
  • Non-destructive testing and applications
  • Focused wave therapy
  • Ultrasound transducers
  • Imagery diagnostics, fast imagery, Doppler

2 lab classes (2h each)

  • Linear on nonlinear wave simulation HIFU
  • Ultrasound mode B, Doppler

Skills developed

  • To use common ultrasound-imagery apparatus in simple cases.
  • To interpret simple ultrasound images.
  • To identify main ultrasound phenomena in tissue
  • To model ultrasound fields

Opening courses

Course that are in connection to the MSc in Acoustics on related topics and can be considered either as fundamentals for specific acoustic topics (Aeroacoustics, vibroacoustics, numerical acoustics) or as thematical opening and can be validated. They are not all in English as they are not all part of an international master program.

1 course should be chosen

Physics of turbulent flows

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 4 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Christophe BAILLY / Christophe Bogey
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Continuous assessment (2 homeworks, freely selected in a given list), Reports of lab class and case study: knowkledge (30%), know-how (30%), methodology (40%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 1.4 "Physics of turbulent flows"; Master Mécanique parcours Mécanique des Fluide & Energie (MFE), Master Aéronautique & Espace


Turbulence is involved in many technological applications in land transport, aeronautics and space (internal and external aerodynamics, combustion, aeroacoustics, vibroacoustics) and energy. It also plays a decisive role in natural environment (dispersion of pollutants) and geophysical flows (meteorology, climate). This course addresses the major issues of turbulence, and presents the physics of fundamental phenomena and their modelling. The course is based on numerous case studies, as well as the most recent results obtained by numerical simulations and experimental techniques.


Turbulence, Reynolds number, turbulent boundary layer, vorticity dynamics, energy transfers, homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, Kolmogorov's theory


  • Some general properties of turbulence, turbulent structure in spectral space, scales, time average and ergodicity;
  • Mean flow field: Reynolds decomposition, kinetic energy budget, closure by turbulent viscosity, examples and consequences;
  • Wall-bounded turbulent flows: log-law, closure models, phenomenology;
  • Vorticity: definition, Biot & Savart, deformation, Helmholtz Eq., rapid distortion theory, vortex pairing, enstrophy, helicicity;
  • Homogeneous and isotropic turbulence: two-point velocity correlation tensor, length scales, spectral tensor, isotropic, 1-D spectra, Taylor's assumption, energy spectrum, isotropic turbulence, Karman & Howarth relation, experiments, Kolmogorov's theory, Lin's eq.;
  • Flow field survey and visualization

2 Lab classes, 1 case study, Exercises

  • 2 Lab Classes are proposed (numerical simulation of channel flow and hot wireanemometer measurements in a turbulent round jet) as well as a final small case study.
  • Exercises are regularly proposed (two homework assignments freely chosen in a list, involving signal processing or the development of simple models using Matlab/Python among others),

Skills developed

  • Know the space-time description of turbulence
  • Be able to describe and model some classical turbulent flows
  • Know how to interpret the behaviour of turbulent flows)

Course material

slides (English) and textbook (Bailly & Comte-Bellot, in English)

Core texts

  • Bailly, C. & Comte-Bellot, G., Turbulence (in English), Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-16159-4, 2015
  • Davidson, P. A., Turbulence, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004
  • Pope, S.B., Turbulent flows, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000

Numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 12
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Christophe CORRE / Fabien GODEFERD
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (40%); 3 computer lab reports (60%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL (MOD 1.1 "Numerical flow simulation"; Master Mécanique parcours Mécanique des Fluide & Energie (MFE), Master Aéronautique & Espace


The goal of the course is to provide the students with an "advanced user / beginner developer" level in computational fluid dynamics, with a focus on compressible flows of interest in aerospace and energy applications. Following the course, the student should be able to properly select and apply a solution method for an engineering problem of practical interest and should understand the observed numerical behaviour (accuracy, robustness). The student will also be able to perform basic developments in existing CFD codes: change of boundary conditions or implementation of a new numerical flux.


Classification of PDEs, method of characteristics, finite difference, finite volumes, centred and upwind schemes, Riemann solvers, TVD schemes, structured and unstructured grids, spectral methods.


  • Lecture #1: Introduction to CFD. From pioneering works to 21st century challenges.
  • Lectures #2 and #3: Analysis of scalar problems: classification of PDEs, method of characteristics, finite difference schemes for model problems: 1D advection, 1D diffusion, 1D advection-diffusion.
  • Lectures #4 and #5: Extension of 1D finite-difference schemes to non-linear systems of conservation laws (Euler equations): from the 1st-order upwind scheme to high-resolution schemes.
  • Lectures #6 and #7: Finite-Volume Schemes in structured and unstructured grids. From Euler equations in Cartesian grids to the Navier-Stokes equations in triangular grids.

3 Computer labs (Case Studies)

  • Practical application (hands-on approach) of the numerical methods presented during the lectures from a more theoretical viewpoint.
  • Test-cases and problems are kept simple to allow for a systematic analysis at a reduced computational cost

Skills developed

  • Grasp the current challenges of CFD. Applying the method of characteristics to analyse exact solutions of scalar conservation laws. Computing truncation errors and amplification factors for finite difference schemes applied to model advection, diffusion and advection-diffusion problems in one and several space dimensions. Implementing a numerical flux in a CFD code solving the traffic flow equation.
  • Analyse centred and upwind schemes for the solution of 1D Euler equations (smooth flows and flows including discontinuities). Selecting a relevant numerical scheme for the flow under study and using the proper tuning parameters for this scheme (artificial).

Course material

Slides (French)

Core texts

  • T. H. Pulliam, D.W. Zingg, Fundamental algorithms in computational fluid dynamics, Springer, 2014
  • E. F. Toro, Rieman solvers and numerical methods for fluid dynamics – A practical introduction, Springer-Verlag, 2009
  • C. Hirsch, Numerical computation of internal and external flows – The fundamentals of CFD, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007

External aerodynamics

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 8 4
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Jérôme BOUDET
  • Language: English
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (55%); Computer lab reports (45%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL (MOD 5.6 "External aerodynamics"); Master Mécanique parcours Mécanique des Fluide & Energie (MFE), Master Aéronautique & Espace


Lifting surfaces are used in aeronautics, but also for ground vehicles and energy production (wind). The aerodynamic design of these surfaces generally aims at optimizing the lift component of force, while minimizing drag. The objectives of the course are: - Understand and model the forces (lift and drag) induced by the airflow on a body. - Identify the associated parameters. - Formulate and apply aerodynamic models. - Estimate the accuracy of such models from a design perspective.


Lift, drag, aeronautics, automotive, energy, lifting surfaces


  • Flight dynamics.
  • Two-dimensional wing design. Potential flow and singularity methods.
  • Lift and 3D effects. Models: lifting-surface and lifting-line theories.
  • Drag control.
  • Compressibility effects.

1 Lab Class and 1 tutorial class, 1 case study

  • Lab class: study of an aerofoil in a wind tunnel and comparison with numerical simulations.
  • Tutorial class: modelling exercises.
  • Case study: geometrical design of an aerofoil satisfying given specifications.

Skills developed

  • Master the basic models of aerodynamics.
  • Pre-design of lifting surfaces in aerodynamics
  • Grasp the basic principles of aircraft flight.

Course material

Slides (English)

Core texts

  • E.L. Houghton, P.W. Carpenter, Aerodynamics for engineering students, Butterworth- Heinemann, 2003
  • D.P. Raymer, Aircraft design: a conceptual approach, AIAA, 2012
  • B.W. McCormick, Aerodynamics, aeronautics and flight mechanics, Wiley, 1994

Introduction to nonlinear vibrations

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 4 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Joël PERRET-LIAUDET, Fabrice THOUVEREZ
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: Written Exam (50%); Lab classes & case study (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 1.5 "Introduction to nonlinear vibrations"


This course is an introduction to the main phenomena related to the problems of nonlinear vibrations. The minimum knowledge and rules useful to the engineer will be introduced to diagnose and treat these problems. Many examples from engineering problems will illustrate the course. We can mention the dynamics of frictional contacts (squeal noise), clearance systems (rattling), rotors dynamics and gear transmissions, bridges subjected to wind ...


Nonlinear vibrations, dynamics of systems, stability, bifurcations, nonlinear modes, principal resonances, super-harmonics, sub-harmonics, self-sustained vibrations, galloping, flutter phenomena


  • Generalities on nonlinear vibratory problems in engineering, classification of sources
  • Description and analysis tools, nonlinear modal analysis
  • Loss of equilibrium stability and self-sustained vibrations (galloping phenomena, squealing)
  • Phenomena of nonlinear resonances (principal and harmonics)
  • Concept of strange responses (chaos)
  • Introduction to methods specific to the treatment of nonlinear phenomena

2 Lab Classes and 1 Case Study

  • Study of vibro impacting systems.
  • Study of hertzian contacts under normal excitations

Skills developed

  • Detect and / or diagnose nonlinear vibration phenomena
  • Characterise the main kinds of vibration responses
  • Identify the main phenomena that lead to these dynamic responses
  • Model some nonlinear problems and use specific methods

Course material

Slides (French)

Core texts

  • H. Nayfeh, B. Balachandran, Applied nonlinear dynamics: analytical, computational and experimental methods, J. Wiley, 1995
  • C.Vidal, P. Bergé, Y. Pomeau L'ordre dans le chaos, Hermann, 1984
  • P. Manneville, Instabilités, chaos et turbulence, Ecole Polytechnique, 2004

Fluid-Structure Interactions

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 4 8
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Mohammed ICHCHOU / Christophe BAILLY
  • Language: English
  • Assessment: Written Exam; Lab classes , case study and article/patent – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 8.1 "Fluid-structure interactions"


Introduction to fluid-structure Interactions (FSI) problems. Modelling coupling situations and designing mechanical systems involving fluid-structure Interactions.


Added mass operator, elastic effects, sloshing, free surface effects, gravity waves, capillary waves, fluid-structure impacts, dissipative effects, radiation, coupled fluid-structures modes, finite element modelling, piston like cases, instabilities, forcing through the fluid, incompressible effects, compressible effects


  • Fluid-structure coupling classification
  • Modelling and main mechanisms
  • Inertial coupling and elastic coupling
  • Dissipative coupling, sound radiation
  • Radiation of simple structures (unbounded and bounded)
  • Physical interpretation, modal description, radiation indicators, radiation impedance operator, numerical modelling in the non-convective case
  • Fluid-structure coupling with convection

2 Lab Classes and 1 Case Study

  • Practical tests (experiments) in parallel with article/patent analysis
  • Numerical exercises using an FEM code

Skills developed

  • Assessment of the type of fluid-structure interaction
  • Assessment of the relevant parameters belonging to the main fluid-structure interactions
  • Being able to formulate the relevant model for the main fluid-structure interaction
  • Define the relevant sources of excitations by the fluid injected in the structure

Core texts

  • F. Axisa, Modélisation des systèmes mécaniques vol. 3: interactions fluide-structure, Lavoisier
  • E. de Langre, Fluides et solides, Ecole Polytechnique, 2002
  • J. P. Morand et R. Ohayon, Interactions fluides-structures, Broché, 1997

Structural dynamics

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 8 4
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Olivier DESSOMBZ
  • Language: French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (50%); Lab class and case studies reports (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL (MOD 7.4); Master Mécanique parcours Mécanique des Fluide & Energie (MFE), Master Aéronautique & Espace


Dynamic analysis of structures using modal synthesis and finite elements methods has found a large number of industrial applications (aeronautics, automotive, shipbuilding, railway, civil engineering). The main aim of this course is to present these methods in a general framework by conducting in parallel and in interaction a numerical approach and an experimental approach based on vibratory tests. The correction of models and the influence of damping are also discussed.


Finite elements, modelling, numerical methods, numerical modal analysis, sub-structuring, modal synthesis, damping


  • Finite element discretization
  • Modification of the global matrix formulation
  • Standard Conservative Problems
  • Spectral problem
  • Temporal integration of the transient problem
  • Origin of dissipation
  • Modelling damping
  • Identification of damping matrices
  • Modal synthesis, sub-structuring
  • Perturbation of dynamic models

2 Lab Classes and 1 case study (BE)

  • Case study on dedicated software

Skills developed

  • Modelling a Finite Element Structure
  • Use a general-purpose finite element industrial calculation code
  • Understanding the Fundamentals of Finite Element Methods.
  • Practice vibration measurements

Core texts

  • J-F. Imbert, Analyse des structures par éléments finis (3ème éd), Cepadues, 1995
  • M. Geradin, D. Rixen, Théorie des vibrations, Masson, 1996
  • L. Meirovitch, Computational methods in structural dynamics, Sijthoff Nordhoff, 1980

Dynamics of biological human systems

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 12
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Didier DRAGNA
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (50%); reports on case studies (25%) ; Article presentation (25%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 6.6 "Dynamics of biological human systems"; Master d’Ingénierie de la Santé, Master de Mécanique, parcours Biomécanique (BM)


The human body is an extraordinary complex dynamic system, whose physical modelling is essentially multidisciplinary. A large number of regulatory process aim at constantly monitoring the internal environment of the body, what is referred to as the homeostasis. In this course, physical modelling of human biological systems is presented. Some current applications in bioengineering (artificial heart, medical robotics and imaging) are introduced.


Biomechanics, heart, biological system, artificial heart, imaging


  • Neuro-musculoskeletal system: strength of materials, rigid and flexible multibody systems, biomaterials.
  • Cardiovascular system: heart mechanics, circulation, network analysis, artificial heart.
  • Medical robotics
  • Medical imaging: inverse problems, non-destructive testing, ultrasounds, X-rays, MRI.

2 case studies + defence

  • Simulation of the motion with a multibody model
  • Signal processing for an electrocardiogram
  • Oral presentation and report on a research article

Skills developed

  • Grasp Bridging your basic multi-disciplinary training with biomedical engineering.
  • Acquire fundamental knowledge in biomedical engineering to master recent and future applications.
  • Be able to interact with healthcare professionals on program topics.

Course material

Lecture slides (English)

Core texts

  • D. A. Neumann, Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system. Foundations for physical rehabilitation, McGraw-Hill, 2002
  • L. Waite, Biofluid mechanics in cardiovascular systems, McGraw-Hill, 2006
  • C. Guy, D. Ffytch, Introduction to the principles of medical imaging,Imperial College Press, 2005

System identification and sparse decomposition

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 16 12
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Julien HUILLERY / Laurent BAKO
  • Language: French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (50%) ; reports on case studies (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOD 3.4 "System identification and sparse decompositions"; Master EEEA, Parcours "Génie des Systèmes Automatisés" (GSA) ; Master DS, Parcours "Medical Imaging, Signals and Systems" (MISS)


The understanding of physical phenomena coupled with the advancement of observation technologies, the needs of analysis, diagnosis and control of engineering systems make more and more use of experimental modelling. This modelling work is a prerequisite for the synthesis of control laws of dynamic systems or the analysis and processing of signals. The goal of this course is to provide advanced principles and methods of signal and system modelling. "System identification" aims to associate a mathematical model with a dynamic system on the basis of noisy data measured with sensors. The "sparse decomposition of signals" aims at a compact modelling of a signal via its decomposition in a dictionary


Experimental modelling, system identification, parametric estimation, sparsity, dictionary of signals, time-frequency representations, compressed sensing, optimization


  • Part I: Systems Identification
  • Introduction to Signal and System Modelling: System Point of View
  • Concept of model structure: definition and examples
  • Estimation methods based on the minimization of the prediction error
  • Elements for the analysis: identifiability, persistence of excitation, frequency richness of a signal
  • Asymptotic properties of the estimators: consistency, convergence in distribution
  • Part II: Sparse Decomposition of Signals
  • Introduction to Signal and System Modelling: Signal Point of View
  • Sparse decomposition of signals: principle and algorithms
  • Dictionaries of representation: time-frequency and wavelets
  • Compressed sensing: a new paradigm for measurement.
  • Case study 1: Implementation of identification methods on an example
  • Case study 2: Sparse decomposition of signals
  • Case sutdy 3: Compressed Sensing

Skills developed

  • Grasp the application issues of signals and systems modeling
  • Construct and identify a model of system from experimental measurements
  • Master the usual bases of representation of signals
  • Determine a sparse representation of a signal

Course material

Slides (French)

Core texts

  • L. Ljung, System identification: theory for the user, PTR Prentice Hall, 1999
  • S. Mallat, A wavelet tour of signal processing, the sparse way, Academic Press,2009
  • S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex optimization, Cambridge University Press, 2004

Wave Propagation: Theory And Applications

ECTS Lecture (h) Case Study (h) Practical work (h)
3 10 6 12
  • Institution: ECL
  • Coordinator: Laurent SEPPECHER
  • Language: English/French
  • Assessment: 1 written exam (50%), reports on case studies (50%) – No 2nd session
  • Shared course: ECL MOS 5.3; option mathématiques et décision (filière MIR), masters Mathématiques appliquées, statistique. Aéronautique et Espace.


The aim of this course is to provide the mathematical basis for the study of partial differential equations posed in unbounded domains. We focus on model problems (Laplace, Helmholtz and wave equations) to present the mathematical framework and the main numerical methods adapted to these problems.


Propagation phenomena, partial differential equations, unbounded domains.


  • Introduction. From the d'Alembert equation to the Helmholtz equation
  • Chapter 1: Tools of functional analysis
  • Chapter 2: Waves in bounded domains
  • Chapter 3: Finite element method for waves
  • Chapter 4: Spectral methods
  • Chapter 5. The Helmholtz problem in free domains
  • Chapter 6. Propagation in waveguides
  • Chapter 7. Elastic waves
  • Chapter 8. Applications to telecommunication and inverse problems

Skills developed:

  • Getting to grips with finite element software.
  • Practical application of methods learned in class

Course material

Slides (English)

Core texts

  • J.-C. Nédelec, Acoustic and Electromagnetic Equations, Springer, 2001
  • D. Givoli, Numerical Methos for Problems in Infinite Domains, Elsevier, 1992
  • L. Lehmann, Wave Propagation in Infinite Domains, Springer, 2007

Other opening courses

Any other master course (M1 or M2) or 3rd year engineering in one of the engineering schools, in accordance with the professional project (and compatible with the schedule!)

Notably, one of the followings courses if not already taken during M1: