IDEX LYON Master of Science in Acoustics - University of Lyon Master in Acoustics of Lyon
 Université de Lyon   ECLyon   ENTPE   Insa-Lyon   Univ-Lyon1 


Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee sets the scientific and educational goals of the MSc Program. It includes local staff as well as 4 experts from the industry and 4 distinguished foreign scientists.


Program Committee
The Program Committee works out and organises the MSc Program and accompanies the students during the program. Members of this committee are
  • Director of CeLyA: Pr Etienne Parizet
  • Program coordinator at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Polytech Lyon): Pr Jean-Christophe Béra
  • Program coordinator at Ecole Centrale de Lyon: Pr Marc Jacob
  • Program coordinator at Institut National des Science Appliquées de Lyon: Pr E. Parizet
  • Program coordinator at Ecole Nationale des travaux Publics d’Etat: Dr C. Marquis-Favre
Alongside the MSc Program Committee and the Advisory Committee, a number of distinguished academics but also non academics from across the CeLyA group contribute to this Program. 44 academics and 23 scientists from the LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) CeLyA are involved in the scientific part of the Master Program. The MSc in Acoustics is supported by industrial partners from the CeLyA group who participate to the educational program via seminars and offer intership opportunities. They are also participating to the industry oriented part of the program along with part time professors from other industries. 11 technical staff from the CeLyA member institutions can provide assistance to the students during their projects.